<p>Why waste electricity while we can help you to save?</p>
<p>Electrical Equipment is "Switched ON" only when necessary!!!</p>
<p>This is achieved by the State Of The Art technology applied in SensLights.</p>
<p>_ Sensor monitors movement of objects in the assigned area</p>
<p>_ Signals to Switch-On lights automatically</p>
<p>How SensLights can help you to save?</p>
<p>Sensor continuously monitors the movement of any object in the assigned area</p>
<p>Sends the signal to, Switch-ON" the light, automatically as soon as the movement of</p>
<p>The Object is detected.</p>
<p>Lights get "Switched-Off'1automatically after the pre-set time delay.</p> Below are the products.